Answered on: January 29, 2021


I am searching for a rental car at San Juan at the Airport of Luis Muñoz Marín but cannot find available vehicles.


OK, give me a moment. I have a look to what you see.


Thank you. It is for next week, Friday till Friday.


Yes, I can see the dates and times. I already found available cars. You are looking for cheapest option? I see you left your email address. I will send you an email quote for the cheapest option available.


Yes please, a small car is ok. We are only 2 people with 1 suitcase.


OK. Quote sent (check your SPAM/JUNK folder if you don't receive any email quote). Once you have received the email follow the link in the email to see the quoted car, you can cange anything you want by pressing SEARCH RESULTS or Edit at the left hand side of the page (see following screenshot links):-


Screenshot "SEARCH RESULTS": - 1611783183316.png URL: [link] Type: image/png Size: 221280


Screenshot "Edit": -1611783202693.png URL: [link] Type: image/png Size: 128731


Great, all clear. I will make the reservation as soon as possible.